Geb Core

Geb Core

Geb (pronounced "jeb") is a browser automation solution. It brings together the power of WebDriver, the elegance of jQuery content selection, the robustness of Page Object modelling and the expressiveness of the Groovy language.

Versão Repositório Usos Data
0.7.x 0.7.2 central ago 29, 2012
0.7.1 central jul 29, 2012
0.7.0 central abr 06, 2012
0.6.x 0.6.3 central mar 02, 2012
0.6.2 central dez 22, 2011
0.6.1 central out 22, 2011
0.6.0 central jun 27, 2011
0.6.0.RC1 central jun 25, 2011
0.5.x 0.5.1 central dez 11, 2010
0.5 central dez 11, 2010
0.4.x 0.4 central ago 16, 2010