veraPDF PDF Box Applications

veraPDF PDF Box Applications

Wrapper for the PDF Box GUI and CLI applications.

Versão Repositório Usos Data
1.8.x 1.8.1 central ago 09, 2017
1.18.x 1.18.5 central abr 19, 2021
1.18.1 central fev 17, 2021
1.14.x 1.14.8 central out 24, 2019
1.14.4 central out 02, 2019
1.12.x 1.12.1 central mai 08, 2018
1.10.x 1.10.6 central dez 28, 2017
1.10.5 central dez 21, 2017
1.10.4 central dez 06, 2017
1.10.3 central nov 30, 2017
1.10.2 central nov 30, 2017
1.10.1 central nov 30, 2017